Featured Products
Quill Visual Art Diary PP 110gsm A4 120 Pages Black
Quill Coloured Board 210gsm A3 Pack 100 Assorted
Ledah A3 Professional Trimmer Metal Base 15 Sheet Capacity Blue
Ledah 6Hole Electric Sharpener
Olympic Carbonless Duplicate Invoice Statement Book NO.726 250×200 50 Leaf
Olympic Exercise Book 8mm Ruled with Red Margin A4 64 pages
About Us
Hamelin is a French owned family business and a market leader in the field of manufacturing school and office products. Our products provide support for millions of school children, students and professionals all over the world in their learning, studies, projects and daily lives. As we believe in the importance of education and good-organisation at all ages, our aim is to provide our customers with the very best tools to succeed and prosper.
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